The word Cryptography comes from the Greek word
kryptos which means hidden, secret.
Kryptos + Graphy = hidden
The earliest known use of cryptography is found
in non-standard hieroglyphs carved into the wall of a tomb
from the Old Kingdom of Egypt circa
1900 BC.
Later we saw the use of Cryptography in World
War- 1 and World War -2, at this time Army were
using Cryptography machines for Cryptography, Enigma machine is a
good example of a machine used by German for Cryptography in Second World War.
Image of Enigma machine
Lets understand cryptography with an example. We
will take a message and we will encrypt it.
example 1:
My name is Rahul
We will encrypt above line like this:
Rd sfrj nxwzq
By reading the above line(Rd sfrj nxwzq )
no one can understands what is written here, until he has the key to decrypt it
into plain text, here we used key= 5, if anyone know that all text is change
here by 5 latter ahead in English alphabet from its original latter, then that
can change it again to the plane text,
Before moving ahead we need to understand few
important terms like plain text and cipher text, key etc.
Plain Text:
Plain text are the text that can be read
directly by human and can understand easily. This is the input data for
Encryption process, here in the above example 1 plain text is:
My name is Rahul.
Ciphertext are not human understandable text.
In cryptography, cipher text is the
result of some operation performed on plaintext using
an algorithm.
In example 1. Cipher text is
Rd sfrj nxwzq
In cryptography, a cipher (or cypher) is an algorithm
for performing encryption. Ex. ASE, DES
In cryptography,
a key is a piece of information that determines the functional output
of a cryptographic algorithm. For encryption algorithms,
a key specifies the transformation of plaintext into ciphertext,
and vice versa for decryption algorithms.
In the above example 1 Key is 5
Before we move ahead we need to understand two
more important terms.
Stream Cipher and Block Cipher
Stream Cipher:
Stream Cipher is a technique used to encrypt
plain text to cipher text and vise versa. It encrypt or decrypt text bit by
bit, means at each bit it take action. It performs operation by XOR and It uses
substitution technique for it.
In Simple words we can understand it in such a
ways that to decrypt a plain text, first we need to convert plan
text in binary form then we apply encryption technique on each bit. It is
called Stream Cipher.
We will take another example to understand it in
better way.
Take a Plain text 9
Key is 8
Convert both in Binary form:
(Plain Text)
Now we will perform XOR operation and the result
is: 0001
So 0001 is our cipher text. And if we will
convert in decimal form it is 1. Now we have
plain text is 9
Cipher text is 1
Key is 8
So like this be Encrypt the plan text into
cipher text bit by bit.
Block Cipher
This is a method of encryption in which plain
text is divided into small blocks and encryption algorithm is used on each
block to get cipher text. We use same key on each block for encryption. The size of block depends on the types of
algorithm we use.
There are several modes of operations for a block cipher.
Electronic Code Book
Cipher Block Chaining
Cipher Feedback Mode
Output Feedback Mode
Counter Mode
Purpose of Encryption:
This is a very good
technique to send text message securely. These days Cryptography is more
popular and used everywhere. We use Cryptography for Confidentiality,
Authentication, Integrity, Non-repudiation.
Confidentiality: Ensuring that no one can read the message except the
Authentication: Authentication means the process or action of
proving or showing something to be true, genuine, or valid, so with the help of
cryptography we ensure that message should be received by authenticate person.
We ensure it with the help of keys used by sender and receiver.
Integrity: the
quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, with the help of
encryption we ensure that the message that we are sending should not alter or
change so that receiver should get the same messages that sender send for him.
Non-repudiation: Imagine a situation where a statement's author cannot
successfully dispute its authorship or the validity of an associated contract,
so cryptography is used to prove that the sender really sent this message.
Now a day’s Cryptography is very common and it
is used at many place while communication. when we email, when we text message
from application like whats app ( Whats app user End to End Encryption
(Asymmetric Encryption) technology which secure you text as well as voice
conversation over network).Encryption is used in storage media to store
information. There are few popular algorithm that is
used for it, few very command cryptography algorithm are “Pretty
Good Privacy (PGP)” Phil Zimmermann developed PGP in 1991,
Data encryption standard (DES) designed by IBM in 1975, RC4 (Rivest Cipher
4) designed by Ron Rivest in 1994., Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)designed
by Vincent Rijmen, Joan Daemen in
1998 and much more, I will explain few of it in my future blogs.
There are three cryptographic
1. Symmetric-key cryptography
1. Symmetric-key cryptography
2. Public-key cryptography
3. Hash functions.
3. Hash functions.
1. Symmetric-key cryptography
Symmetric encryption is a type
of encryption where only one key (a secret key) is
used to both encrypt and decrypt electronic information. Ex. AES
2. Public-key cryptography
Public-key cryptography is a form of Encryption where keys come in pairs. one key is Public used to Encrypt the plan text and other private key is used to decrypt the cipher test. RSA Encryption.
Public-key cryptography is a form of Encryption where keys come in pairs. one key is Public used to Encrypt the plan text and other private key is used to decrypt the cipher test. RSA Encryption.
3. Hash functions.:
A hash function is any function that can be used to map data of
arbitrary size to fixed-size values. This function convert data into a fix
size code, and if we modify data the value of hash also get change. Few popular
hash algorithms are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256.
Ex. String 1 : Your String: My name is rahul
MD5 hash of string 1: 1f34ce0cd2ee72cc2dfd91d51cb9a3ee
If we will modify string 1 like string 2.
String 2: my
name is rahul
MD5 hash for string 2: 4c32f8e4531f049c04e92b4ce4d89ce7
Here we just changed M (Upper case) from My in
string 1 into m (Lower case) in string 2, as a result value of MD5 hash
for string 2 get changed.
Why we use hash algorithm ?
Suppose there are two files and you want to
check both files are same or not, so to do that its really difficult to check
each line of the file, so we can covert that into Hash value. If both file have
same hash value it means both are same files.
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