Class 11 (CBSE)
Chapter 1
Computer Fundamentals
A) Name at least four early calculating devices.
Napier’s Logs and Bones
Leibnitz’s Calculator
B) Name the first operational general purpose computer.
Mark 1
C) Who first proposed the concept of ‘Stored Program Computer’?
1945, Dr. John Von Neumann proposed the concept of a stored program computer.
per this concept the program and data could be stored in the same memory unit
D) Define the IPO cycle.
task given to a computer follows an Input- Process- Output Cycle (IPO cycle).
certain input, processes that input and produces the desired output. The input
takes the input, the central processing unit does the processing of data and
unit produces the output. The memory unit holds the data and instructions
the processing.
E) Differentiate between data and information.
Data: It is the term used for raw facts and figures. For example,
134, + 9, ‘Raju’, ‘C’ are
Definition of information should start from next line as given in the word
file. In
file it is starting from the same line immediately after the definition of
Information: Data represented in useful and meaningful form is information.
In simple
we can say that data is the raw material that is processed to give meaningful,
or structured information. For example Raju is 9 years old. This is information
Raju and conveys some meaning. This conversion of data to information is called
F) Explain the Von Neumann Computer.
1945, Dr. John Von Neumann proposed the concept of a stored program computer.
per this concept the program and data could be stored in the same memory unit.
architecture of the Von Neumann computer is shown in the figure below
to Von Neumann architecture, the processor executes instructions stored in
memory of the computer. Since there is only one communication channel, the
at a time can either fetch data or an instruction. That means at one point of
either the data or an instruction can be picked (fetched) from the storage unit
by the processor. Hence execution takes place in sequential manner. This
of Von Neumann Computer is known as Von Neumann bottleneck. EDVAC
was the first stored program
developed in 1952.
G) Compare the salient features of first and second generation computers.
Salient features of
First generation computers:
Y Used vacuum tubes to control and amplify electronic
Y Huge computers that occupied lot of space (ENIAC weighed about 27 tons, was of the size 8 feet * 100 feet
* 3 feet )
Y High electricity consumption (consumed around 150 watts of power) and
high heat generation
Y Were unreliable since they were prone to frequent
hardware failures
Y Commercial production was difficult
Y They were very costly and required constant
Y Continuous air conditioning was required
Y Programming was done in machine language although
assembly language also
started at the end of this generation Example : ENIAC , EDVAC ,
Salient Features of
Second generation computers:
Y Use transistor based technology
Y Were smaller and less expensive as compared to
first generation
Y Consumed less electricity and emitted less heat
Y Magnetic core memories and magnetic disks were used
as primary and
secondary storage respectively
Y First operating system developed
Y Programming in assembly language and in the later
part high level languages
were used
Y Wider commercial use but commercial production was
still difficult
Y They also required constant air-conditioning.
Examples: IBM 1401, IBM 1620, UNIVAC 1108
H) Why is Charles Babbage known as the Father of Modern Computers?
1833 Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine which later on proved to be
of modern computer. His machine called basis of modern computer due to below features.
This machine could perform all the four arithmetic operations as well as
It included the concept of central processor, memory storage and input-output
Stored information could be modified.
I) Explain the functional components of a computer with the help of a block diagram.
Input Unit
The input unit consists of input devices that are attached to the
computer. These devices
take input and convert it into binary language that the computer
understands. Some of
the common input devices are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Once the information is entered into the computer by the input
device, the processor
processes it. The CPU is called the brain of the computer because
it is the control centre
of the computer. As the CPU is located on a small chip, it is also
called the
It first fetches
instructions from memory and then interprets them so as
to know what is to be done. If required, data is fetched from
memory or input device.
Thereafter CPU executes or performs the required computation and
then either stores
the output or displays on the output device.
The CPU has three main components which are responsible for
different functions – 1. 1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) ,
2. Control
3. Unit (CU) and Memory registers.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
The ALU, as its name suggests performs mathematical calculations
and takes logical
decisions. Arithmetic calculations include addition, subtraction,
multiplication and
Logical decisions involve comparison of two data items to see
which one is
larger or smaller or equal.
Control Unit
The Control unit coordinates and controls the data flow in and out
of CPU and also
controls all the operations of ALU, memory registers and also
input/output units.
It is also responsible for carrying out all the instructions
stored in the program. It decodes the fetched instruction, interprets
(understands) it and sends control signals to
input/output devices until the required operation is done properly
by ALU and
Memory Registers
A register is a temporary unit of memory in the CPU. These receive
and then this data/information is held in them as per the
requirement. Registers can be
of different sizes(16 bit , 32 bit , 64 bit and so on) and each
register inside the CPU has a
1 4
specific function like storing data, storing an instruction,
storing address of a location in
memory etc. The user registers can be used by an assembly language
programmer for
storing operands, intermediate results etc. Accumulator (ACC) is
the main register in
the ALU and contains one of the operands of an operation to be
performed in the ALU.
Memory attached to the CPU is used for storage of data and
instructions and is called
internal memory.
During processing, it is the internal memory that holds the data.
The internal memory is
divided into many storage locations, each of which can store data or instructions.
Each memory location is of the same size and has an address. With the help of
the address, the computer can find any data easily without having to search the
entire memory.
The internal memory is also called the Primary memory or Main
memory. When the task is performed, the CU makes the space
available for storing data
and instructions, thereafter the memory is cleared and the memory
space is then
available for the next task. Therefore this memory is also called
Random Access memory (RAM).
Primary memory is volatile in nature. That means when the power is
switched off, the data stored in this memory is permanently erased. That is why
secondary memory is needed to store data and information permanently for later
use. Some of the examples of secondary storage devices are hard disk, compact
disks, pen drives etc.
Output Unit
The output unit consists of output devices that are attached with
the computer. It
converts the binary data coming from CPU to human understandable
from. The
common output devices are monitor, printer, plotter etc.
J) What are the functions of the control unit?
Control Unit
The Control unit coordinates and controls the data flow in and out
of CPU and also
controls all the operations of ALU, memory registers and also
input/output units.
It is also responsible for
carrying out all the instructions stored in the program.
It decodes the fetched instruction, interprets (understands) it .
It sends control signals to input/output devices until the
required operation is done properly by ALU and
K) Where are the instructions needed to start a computer stored?
I will answer this later.
L) Explain booting process and its types.
the computer is switched on, a copy of boot program is brought from ROM into
main memory. This process is called booting. When the computer is switched on,
a copy of boot program is brought from ROM into the main memory. This process
is called booting.
CPU first runs a jump instruction
transfers to BIOS (Basic Input output System) and it starts executing. The BIOS
a series of self diagnostic tests called POST (Power On Self Test). These tests
memory tests, configuring and starting video circuitry, configuring the system’s
and checking other devices that help to function the computer properly.
locates a bootable drive to load the boot sector. The execution is
transferred to the Boot Strap Loader program on the boot sector which loads and
the operating system. If the boot sector is on the hard drive then it will have
Boot record (MBR) which checks the partition table for active partition. If
MBR loads that partition’s boot sector and executes it.
Cold Booting: When the system starts from initial state i.e. it is switched
on, we call it
booting or Hard Booting. When the user presses the Power button, the
read from the ROM to initiate the booting process.
Warm Booting: When the system restarts or when Reset button is pressed, we
call it
Booting or Soft Booting. The system does not start from initial state and so
tests need not be carried out in this case. There are chances of data loss and
damage as the data might not have been stored properly.
M) Differentiate between:
i) Digital computers and analog computers.
Digital computers
Analog computers.
These computers are capable of processing information in
discrete form
A computer which uses
the continuous signal for its operation is called an Analog computer.
data which can be in the form of letters, symbols or numbers
is represented
in binary form i.e. 0s and 1s.
computers measure changes in continuous physical quantities
say current and voltage.
It computes by counting and
Adding operations.
it is used to process data generated by changing physical
quantities especially when the response to change is fast.
It work fast
It is slow
More accurate
Less accurate
The digital computers are used in industrial, business and
Applications. They are quite suitable for large volume data
Some of the common examples where Analog computers are used simulations
in aircrafts, nuclear power plants, hydraulic and electronic networks.
ii) Microcomputers and Mini Computers
Mini Computers
These are also known as Personal Computers. Ex desktops and
These computers can support multiple users working
simultaneously on the same
These computers can work on small volume of data, are very
versatile and can handle variety
of applications.
These are mainly used in an organization where computers
installed in
Various departments are interconnected.
Consists of one processor.
Generally consists of multiprocessors.
Inexpensive and easy to use.
It can handle a huge amount of data.
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